Gethsemane Episcopal Cathedral

Kick off your summer with VBS at Gethsemane! Contact Kay Pool or the office today to register!

Intermediate Calligraphy Class w/ Anne Kaese

Learn the Foundational or Bookhand style, an alphabet developed from 10th-century English manuscripts that evolved from the Roman alphabet. In this compressed class we will study the hand found in...

Decorated Letters with Anne Kaese

Decorated Letters with art, wine and food. Want to try some of the techniques that illuminators used to decorate letters?  No experience is necessary. You will leave the class with...

10 year Deacon Celebration

The Great Hall

June 22nd is the 10th ordination anniversary for Deacons Terry, Crystal, and Charlotte. To celebrate with them, coffee hour on Sunday the 18th will be in their honor. Please join...

Lifetouch Directory Photo Days

We will be holding photo sessions with Lifetouch Photography for our new member directory. Photos will be taken at Gethsemane Cathedral in the fireside room. Sign up now with the...


Gethsemane Cathedral-Bishops Room

This retreat invites people to ignite their spiritual imaginations as they study and pray with the Illuminated Word of The Saint John's Bible; and then to extend that practice through...

Memorial Service for Joan Tillotson

A lunch, visitation, and celebration of Joan's life will follow. In lieu of flowers, memorials preferred to the Gethsemane Cathedral Foundation – Joan Tillotson Fund.

Blessing of the Backpacks

BLESSING OF BACKBACKS AND THE STUDENTS WHO CARRY THEM. With the start of school just around the corner, we’re going to bless backpacks and our school-age members, pre-K through college,...