Faith Formation

Sunday school: Prek-Grade 5 Confirmation: Grades 6-8


5:30 pm Dinner 6:00 pm Evening Prayer- Chapel 6:30 pm Classes for Adults and Family 7:30 pm Compline- Chapel

Faith Formation

Sunday School for children PreK through 5th grade. Confirmation for 6-8th graders All kids are welcome! If you have any questions contact Ericka Morlan through the contact form on the...

Winter Bible Study

From Monday, January 6th through Tuesday, February 25th—during the season of Epiphany—members of Gethsemane are invited to read and reflect on a section of the Gospel of John each day....

Ash Wednesday Services

Distribution of Ashes services 12:15pm in the Chapel 7pm in the Sanctuary

Lenten Programming

Wednesdays in Lent: (through April 1st) 5:30 Lenten Service 6:00 Soup Supper 6:30- 7:30 “Seeing the Word” Bible Study *Board Games and Activities for Kids *For kids of all ages,...

Coffee Hour

Join us for coffee and treats between services. If you are interested in serving or supplying treats for coffee hour, please contact the office or sign up in the Great...

Holy Eucharist, Rite I, Chapel of the Resurrection

This simple service–Rite I, spoken, about half an hour long–offers an opportunity for worship for people who have been away on weekends or others who would like to join in...