Ash Wednesday Services

12:15pm Rite I spoken in the Chapel of the Resurrection 7:00pm Rite II with music in the Sanctuary

Faith Formation

Sunday school for grades Pre-K to 5. Confirmation classes for grades 6-8.

Evening prayer for Lent

Service in the Sanctuary with music and reflections on each weeks theme from "The Way of Love." March 9-Learn March 16- Pray March 23- Worship March 30- Bless April 6-...

Faith Formation

Adult Bible study in the Fireside room. Contact the office for book information. Youth and family programming in the Great Hall. All ages welcome!

Easter Egg Hunt

Calling all kids! Between services join us for an Easer Egg hunt. Bags will be provided.

Chapter Meeting

5:30pm evening prayer in the chapel when held in person